729 Main Street
Ramona CA 92065
(760) 789-8696
The Town Hall was donated to the townspeople of Ramona (then Nuevo,) by Augustus and Martha Barnett on Washington’s Birthday, February 22nd, 1894. It is held in trust in perpetuity by a volunteer five member board of trustees. The Town Hall is not owned by the Board of Trustees, nor is it a public agency.
For over 120 years, the Town Hall has operated solely on fundraisers, private donations, grant moneys, and rent collected for use of the building.
The Town Hall has served as the town’s first library, first movie theater, first high school, first bank, dance hall, justice court, and the birthplace of several of the communities’ service groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, the Masons, and the volunteer fire department.
Reprinted from their website at www.ramonatownhall.com
As noted in a Ramona Home Journal article:
In the past, the Town Hall was home to Ramona’s first high school. Classes met upstairs from 1894 to 1898. The town’s first bank and first library also started in the building, and several religious groups met there before their churches were built.
Other organizations that met in the Town Hall included Ramona Grange, Santa Maria Masonic Lodge, Ramona Pioneer Historical Society, Ramona Chamber of Commerce, Ramona Art Guild, Town Hall Players and Ramona Council of Arts, Unlimited.
The Town Hall was used as a theater in the 1940s, with Harry Miles running the movie projector. It also was known as the community dance hall and the site of costume balls.
Other Links for Ramona Town Hall:
Ramona Town Hall Inc
729 Main Street
Ramona CA 92065
(760) 789-8696