Highland Hills Winery

18545 Rangeland Rd, Ramona, CA 92065

Highland Hills is a family owned and operated vineyard and winery. We planted all of the grapes in 2007 and have been making wine since 2008. We started this monumentous project with the goal of creating both tasteful wine and a relaxing experience for all of our customers.

The inspiration and symbol for our winery is the coyote. We believe that the coyote captures the essence of the property we planted our grapes on. The families sing to each other every night, and they entertain us during the day as we watch for them on the roads and in the vineyards. We know when our grapes are ripe because they help themselves to the sweet and flavorful grapes. In return for our grapes, they keep our ever-growing rodent population under control. The coyote was chosen for our wine label because he lives with us, and is a part of daily lives.

The beautiful statue that stands in the center of our vineyard is named “Lady of the Grapes”. She looks toward a lake that was created to hold excess Ramona water. The lake is part of the Ramona Grasslands and is now home to many water loving birds. We are fortunate to be situated with a beautiful view, and to live among rare and unique wildlife including the golden eagle. “Lady of the Grapes” is holding a cluster of grapes i her arms with the hope that people can harvest the fruit of the earth. She stands on a pile of rocks to remind us that we must plant our grapes with the blessing of Mother Nature, and hopefully we can capture in our wines the beauty and joy of life on this earth.

Highland Hills Winery is now open to the public for tasting and wine purchase. The tasting room is open every weekend and customers can stop by to experience the joy of drinking wine, talking personally with the wine makers, and sitting on the serene tasting patio.


Highland Hills Winery
18545 Rangeland Road
United States

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Posted by Admin

Website: http://www.ramonaevents.com

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